Friday, March 21, 2014

23rd September 63 BC- 19 August 14th AD
Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire and was the first Emperor ruling from 27 BC - 19 August 14 Ad (his death).
Augustus was adopted by his great-uncle Galius Julius Caesar. Augustus' great-uncle (adoptive father) was being hunted down by assassins. So Augustus formed a group with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus, the Assassins assassinated Ceaser at Phillipi. The Triumvirate divided the Republic among themselves it was eventually torn apart by its members, Lepidus was stripped of his position of a leader and Antony committed suicide.
First Conflict With Antony  
Antony threatened Augustus with heavily armed forces trying to get him to surrender at  Mutina The Senate stopped the violence, Antony got angry and made an  alliance with Marcus Lepidus a former  alliance with Augustus.
Augustus' Birth Mother
Augustus' birth mothers name was Atia Caesonia Atia's mothers name was Julia Caesonia and her fathers name was Marcus Atius. Atia was born 85 BC- 43 BC.
A Augustus Sculptor

This is An Augustus Sculptor 
It is known as the Augustus of Prima Porta, 1st Century

Facts: Augustus' religion was  The Roman Paganism
His name was Gaius Octavius after his biological father.

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